...and how to get started
My clients typically have upwards of £50,000 in savings and and investments and are looking to make the most of these funds.
They usually start out a little/lot worried about where their money is currently and where it's going, and are also concerned that my services will be too expensive.
My clients however quickly realise that I provide great value and fantastic advice, explained in plain English that they can understand.
My valued clients typically stay with me for the long term as we plan and adjust their futures together over many years.
Surely we can't meet in person?
During these difficult times we obviously can't meet up, as much I would like to see clients in person in real life, but that doesn't mean we can't work together!
Luckily I have an easy-to-use secure & encrypted video chat so as long as you have a webcam, laptop, iPad, tablet, or smart phone we can have a face-to-face chat.
So there's no reason I can't deliver my usual top class service wherever you are in the country. You might even find it more convenient!

Gavin is based in South Gloucestershire and covers predominately the Gloucestershire and Worcestershire areas.
Gavin works for Pure Wealth Management Ltd, who are authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA Ref 826357).
He has 20 years experience working in financial services and has a wide knowledge of retirement and investment planning with a real focus on helping his clients feel more confident in the complex products they may already hold.
Gavin puts the clients needs and objectives at the heart of what he does with a passion for excellent customer service and going the extra mile for his clients. Gavin is the founder of the Facebook "UK Pensions Learning Zone" Group where he regularly gives support and answers questions.
Outside of work, Gavin enjoys spending time with his family and helping in his local community.
He also enjoys playing golf, football and cricket as well as keeping up to date with the latest current affairs.

I have no set hours... I'm more than happy to work around you!
Even if you're not yet a client you can refer a friend.
Refer a friend and receive a little bonus as a thank you!
A bottle Six O'Clock gin or a £25 Amazon voucher for every referral that results in a sucessfully onboarded client.
Just let me know your friend's contact details and I'll get in touch with them.